VOKATOR defines a new level of vocoding. It uses high-resolution FFT spectral transformations to fuse the characteristics of one sound with another, with previously unattainable transparency and detail. Two signals, from the audio input and the integrated synthesizer/sampler and file player, can be seamlessly merged to create a vast range of new textures and timbres. Due to the implementation of advanced synthesis and sound shaping abilities, VOKATOR serves as both a high-end vocoder and a full-featured synthesizer.
The Vocoding Section
The carrier and modulator signals can be split in up to 1024 frequency bands and enable the interweaving of external or internal signals down to the smallest detail. Thanks to a special group mode, VOKATOR can also emulate the sonic performance and lower resolution of conventional vocoders. An integrated multi-band compressor ensures the optimal utilization of dynamics over the full range of the sound spectrum.
Diverse Sound Sources
In addition to external audio sources you can also use internally generated signals from the synthesizer/sampler and the audio file player. So VOKATOR places both an effects plug-in and a vocoder-based synthesizer at your disposal. Each input section has a delay unit, a dynamic processor and several special effects in the spectral domain.
Expanded Synthesis
The integrated sound generator allows the choice between a synthesizer with two oscillators and a re-synthesis sampler with start, loop, pitch and speed functions. Frequency and ring modulation, LFOs, resonant filters, an arpeggiator, envelope generators, velocity dynamics, a shaper for the creation of additional harmonics, and a chorus effect make the synthesizer a fully featured instrument.
The Morph Fader
With this unique feature one synthesizer preset can be smoothly crossfaded into another. Linking the Morph Fader to the mod wheel allows perfectly fluid transitions between up to 5 different presets.
VOKATOR offers extremely flexible possibilities for the modulation of nearly any parameter. Four LFOs, two step sequencers, two envelope followers and two voiced/unvoiced detectors open up endless possibilities for sound design.
- High-end vocoder based on real-time FFT spectral analysis with resolution from 128 to 1024 frequency bands
- Use as independent vocoding-based synthesizer and as plug-in effect
- Processes external signals, signals from the internal synthesizer/sampler, and from the integrated audio file player
- Powerful synthesizer with two oscillators, FM, ring modulation, three filter modes. Oscillators are interchangeable with re-synthesis sampler.
- Multi-band compressor for the output, gate and level compression of input
- Morphing function allows fluid crossfades between synthesizer presets
- Visual control through display of the frequency spectrum for both inputs and outputs
- Modulation of nearly every parameter through envelope followers, voiced/unvoiced detectors, song tempo-syncable LFOs and step sequencers
- Create custom filter curves with the breakpoint editor of the equalizer
- Summary of the 128 to 1024 analysis bands in 4-32 groups to emulate other vocoders. Formant shifting and broadening possible, freely selectable vocoding of the group pairs